Este es un libro de 1967 que le regaló a mi mamá una buena amiga suya hace ya mucho tiempo, y desde que era yo chica me enamoré de él, y desde que me acuerdo lo tengo a un lado de mi cama.
Sus pensamientos son perfectos y sencillos, y cada uno de ellos son necesarios en la vida. Uuyy y los dibujos son lo máximo!
Aquí las líneas de este librito que ha estado conmigo tantísimo y que quiero tantisísimo.
All About You
A little book to open when you´re alone, and nobody´s looking...
Full of praise for all you are and do, when nobody´s looking...
For you, medals! Medals for the nice deeds you´ve done that no one noticed... for the times you cared when no one else did... for the times you helped and no one knew.
For you, ribbons! Ribbons for trying to grow a little bigger every day... for trying new things and discovering new ways... for magnificent dreams you dare to dream.
Prices for you! Prices for always hearing with your heart... for seeing good things in the world that others may miss... for warming those who need you near when others go their way.
Roses for you! Roses for making others happy by doing happy things... for your laughter that lightens someone s heart... for always being dearer than you could ever know!
And specially, love for you!
Love for you, because somebody knows how very very nice you are...
Even when nobody´s looking.
*Miembro distinguido de la colección que me hace sentir bien.
I just finished Redding a book on the importance of manners on building a society….it reminded me of you…
ResponderEliminar“some people don’t just have manners, they have beautiful manners. There aren’t many, but if you know such a person, a loving image of them will have already sprung to mind. They are the ones who think of the perfect small gift for the sick friend, or gently draw out the shy stranger, or quietly close the window against the cold draft, or tactfully change the dangerous topic, or subtly reorganize the seating so that the slightly deaf person is able to hear better.”
On the second row of my room’s bookshelf, there where I keep my special books, lies a little snoopy dog book. One of those little gifts that meant the world in that precise moment. UN AMIGO ES… thank u sooo for having beautiful manners.