I am now, one of you...
Delarivier Manley [London, 1713].
...the Dutchess, who had about her all those desires, she expected to employ in the embraces of the Count, was so blinded by �em, that at first she did not perceive the mistake, so that giving her eyes, time to wander over beauties so inviting, and which encreased her flame; with an amorous sigh, she gently threw her self on the bed close to the desiring youth; the ribbon of his shirt-neck not tied, the bosom (adorned with the finest lace) was open, upon which she fixed her charming mouth, impatient and finding that he did not awake, she raised her head, and laid her lips to that part of his face that was revealed. The burning lover thought it was now time to put an end to his pretended sleep, he clasped her in his arms, grasped her to his bosom, her own desires helped the deceit; she shut her eyes with a languishing sweetness, calling him by intervals, her dear Count, her only lover, taking and giving a thousand kisses, he got the possession of her person, with so much transport, that she owned all her former enjoyments were imperfect to the pleasure of this."
One of the roman-à-clef "keys" that appeared without official authorisation. This one referred to Delarivier Manley's New Atalantis.
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